Certified Personal Trainer
Meal Plan Representative
Health Educator

  Interested in changing your health naturally? Call Today:(407) 205-7488

Eating for health Food consultation

After reviewing your current eating habits in depth, a personalized plan of action will be created.

Smoothie Making

Only 13% of Americans are getting enough fruits and vegetables. There are many vitamins and minerals needed for your body to function properly. Many of those nutrients come from fruit and vegetables. Smoothie making is probably the quickest and easiest way to incorporate fruit and vegetables into your life.

Personal Trainer

Our bodies are designed to be in motion. We need to exercise to keep our muscles strong, we need to get our blood moving to help clear out our lymph system, and we need mechanical stress to keep our bones strong. Taking the time to exercise regularly is an investment in disease prevention.

Mindfulness Training

Although mindfulness has been around for over four thousand years we are recently learning it helps prevent destruction of our DNA and thickens our pre-frontal cortex- the area associated with concentration and higher thinking.

Anjelica Shanklin

Anjelica Shanklin

Anjelica Shanklin graduated from the University of Central Florida 2005 with a Bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences. She has practiced sports medicine, sports rehabilitation, and sports conditioning for Stetson University, Lyman High School, Palmer Natural Health, and Orlando Kraze, which is a member of the National Premier Soccer League.
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